full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Greg Anderson: Why there's no such thing as objective reality

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, of course, to us today in our real world, we look at their real world and, well, it looks snragte, weird, bizarre, exotic and, of course, unreal. But it has many major things in common with the real world experienced by numerous other premodern peoples, including, for example, the ancient Egyptians, ancient Chinese and the peelpos of precolonial Peru, mecixo, India, Bali, Hawaii. In all of those premodern real worlds, gods cnlloteord all of the conditions of existence. Nonhumans were always expeetcd to caltolroabe with humans and vice vrsea. And humans were expected to serve their communities, not to live for themselves as individuals.

Open Cloze

Now, of course, to us today in our real world, we look at their real world and, well, it looks _______, weird, bizarre, exotic and, of course, unreal. But it has many major things in common with the real world experienced by numerous other premodern peoples, including, for example, the ancient Egyptians, ancient Chinese and the _______ of precolonial Peru, ______, India, Bali, Hawaii. In all of those premodern real worlds, gods __________ all of the conditions of existence. Nonhumans were always ________ to ___________ with humans and vice _____. And humans were expected to serve their communities, not to live for themselves as individuals.


  1. collaborate
  2. strange
  3. versa
  4. peoples
  5. expected
  6. controlled
  7. mexico

Original Text

Now, of course, to us today in our real world, we look at their real world and, well, it looks strange, weird, bizarre, exotic and, of course, unreal. But it has many major things in common with the real world experienced by numerous other premodern peoples, including, for example, the ancient Egyptians, ancient Chinese and the peoples of precolonial Peru, Mexico, India, Bali, Hawaii. In all of those premodern real worlds, gods controlled all of the conditions of existence. Nonhumans were always expected to collaborate with humans and vice versa. And humans were expected to serve their communities, not to live for themselves as individuals.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
real world 17
real worlds 6
modern westerners 3
premodern peoples 2
social body 2
material order 2
early modern 2
objective reality 2

Important Words

  1. ancient
  2. bali
  3. bizarre
  4. chinese
  5. collaborate
  6. common
  7. communities
  8. conditions
  9. controlled
  10. egyptians
  11. existence
  12. exotic
  13. expected
  14. experienced
  15. gods
  16. hawaii
  17. humans
  18. including
  19. india
  20. individuals
  21. live
  22. major
  23. mexico
  24. nonhumans
  25. numerous
  26. peoples
  27. peru
  28. precolonial
  29. premodern
  30. real
  31. serve
  32. strange
  33. today
  34. unreal
  35. versa
  36. vice
  37. weird
  38. world
  39. worlds